20 python library


20 Python Packages That You Must Try

That Makes Your Life Easier

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1. Colorama

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Colorama Example

2. Pynput

3. Progress bars: progress and tqdm

from progress.bar import Bar
bar = Bar('Loading', max=20)
for i in range(20):
# Any Task
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Animation by Giorgos Verigakis from progress
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source: https://github.com/tqdm/tqdm

4. google trans

5. google

6. Pillow

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Conversioin of Original Image to GrayScale

7. wikipedia

8. Speech Recognition

9. Ipython

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Source: python screenshots page

10. wxpython

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11. Poetry

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source : https://github.com/python-poetry/poetry

12. Pygame

13. Text Blob

14. OpenCV

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15. win10 toast

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“Screen Shot Of The Toast Notification by win10toast-Image by author”

16. playsound

17. webbrowser

18. Python-dateutil

19. Setuptools

20. pyfiglet

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